Tuesday 12 April 2011

Fat is a festering issue

This week I have been thinking mostly about fat. It’s not just a feminist issue. It occurred to me that most people in this world believe there is a direct co-relation between eating and weight – the more you eat, the bigger you get, and so fat is a greed issue. You only have to listen to the snide little comments comedians like Jimmy Carr and Ricky Gervais infer to get this point. They truly believe this is the case. If it were, wouldn’t life be so simple? The fact is that scientists don’t know what causes one person to have weight issues and another not to. I grew up with an older brother and sister. My brother was thin and we weren’t. Neither my Mother or Father had issues with weight, and of all of us, my brother was probably the greediest. His weight has never fluctuated, no matter what activities he was performing or what he was eating, and I could say the same for myself – no matter how much I ate in a particular time period, or how much exercise I took, despite minimal fluctuation, I remained pretty much the same. The depression brought on by the knowledge that no matter what you do to lose weight it never shifts can cause some people to comfort eat, which can add even more pounds, but the fact is that weight is not a greed issue, and scientists are still baffled. But how much research is being done in this field? After all most people, including scientists, still believe that’s it’s just based on the amount you eat, and therefore probably don’t see the point – just eat less you fat bastards! I believe the likes of Jimmy Carr and Ricky Gervais have this same problem and resent fatties, because there but for the grace of expensive weight loss treatments go I! Chubbies pick on fatties because it takes the attention away from their own flabby backsides!

Obesity is a growing problem and needs to be tackled and more should be spent on scientific research into its causes, and why it doesn’t affect all of us. Perhaps we could isolate genes or DNA mapping and find a way to combat it. This is a very skinny biased society and there is an awful lot of prejudice against fatties (I should know) so pull out your bony fingers and get to work people. I’ll happily be your guinea pig.

On a slightly separate issue there is also a problem with sizing. The point at which someone is referred to as obese is too low. I believe the average size for a female is 14 to 16 (there’s no male alternative size but shall we say 12-15 stone). Above size 16 isn’t obese, it’s just overweight. Obese should not come into play until well over size 20. Size 12 is underweight, size 10 is skinny and anything under is morbidly skinny – freaks! (Obviously these figures are dependent on height and age, but lets talk averages). Doctors tend to point the finger too much by using the word morbidly – you can be overweight and healthy, just as you can be underweight and unhealthy.

So come on people – stop judging and get with the programme. Stop pointing and laughing at us fatties and turn your attention to the skinny fucks, who also can’t help the way they are!